
From Soloralwiki

Solora Spira
Solora Spira, ancient capital of Solaria, seen as part of the FIoJ

Solaria was an ancient country founded by Rii'Iia and the other first microns to be “infected” with the power of the Wind Song while stranded on the island that would eventually be named colonized as Solaria. Their “disease” would later be known as magic and would change the way the world like nothing else before, but for many years the first magic users were persecuted as heretics. The entire country was basically an extension of the will of its mighty leader Rii’Iia to the point of being one big personality cult, although everyone there was there by their own free will because they believed as she did.


The first Solarians were actually explorers that discovered the Wind Song. At first the gem was thought to be just another exotic treasure from the poorly explored lands to the west. However, weeks later several of the crew that had been in contact with the Wind Song began manifesting odd powers that would later be called magic. Several of the terrified microns gathered together out of fear. Slowly Rii’s group pieced together how the Wind Song had awakened magic within them and how to control it. They began what would become Garla Solarian; a language designed to focus the power of magic. They also learned that they didn’t need the Wind Song to awaken magic within others; a few spells were sufficient if the target was willing.

However public opinion of the Solarian “cult” remained low despite Rii’Iia’s attempts to clear their reputation. Unwilling to be persecuted any longer, the magic users fled to the still unoccupied island where the Wind Song had been excavated. They found the exact spot in the ground where the stone had been found and built a shrine around it to hold the Wind Song in that exact spot. This temple was drastically expanded over the years to become the capital of Solaria: Solora Spira, also known as the City of the Sun.

Solaria the Country

Solarians were all about magical study right from the beginning. It was here that deeper experiments into magic lead to spells that could effectively free the soul from the body, creating a free spirit existence that the Solarians named the Transcendi. Rii’Iia personally tested the procedure on herself and became the first of these pure magical beings.

Though the lack of a physical body took some getting used to, being a Transcendi offered so many more benefits that many of the Solarians also wanted to join her. Rii’Iia worked to perfect the transcendence transformation with a number of unfortunate failures. Rii had been, in effect, lucky; the magic she had undergone tore apart even the strongest other Solarians. Rii spent many years and had many frustrating failures (many that lead to the death of someone she loved) before finally getting the transcendence magics down to a safer procedure. Even so many chose not to transcend and stayed mortal so the Solarians maintained a sizeable “living” portion throughout the contry’s existence.

Many years passed while the Solarian people studied more deeply into the nature of magic, the empathi field, and the nature of the universe. Several times leaders from micron kingdoms would meet with Rii and offer peace, but the Solarians cared nothing for the affairs of the mainland and were convinced others only contacted them when they wanted something. Which, to be fair, was often the case.

When the Great War of Destruction broke out the Solarians realized that even the powerful mages of the Solarians could not ignore world war and strengthening evil. The Solarians engineered Reptites from a race of lizards to be powerful soldiers in the war. However the Reptites were corrupted by the Imperials. Accepting responsibility and wiling to spill their own blood for the good of Micras, Rii’Iia oversaw the creation of the mighty Sun Sword and, wielding the blade herself, lead Solaria’s armies to the micron mainland where they reinforced the people that had them outcast so many years ago. After the war ended the Solarians left on good terms but made clear their desire to just be left alone on their little island.

The End of Solaria

For several hundred years this agreement lasted, but soon greedy men and microns began to try to infiltrate Solaria and steal the Wind Song. Most of the Transcendi were wandering the universe by now and the constant intrusions into their lands took a toll on the mortal defenders. Rii made the executive decision to prepare a spell that would move the entire island of Solaria into an alternate plane and finish the Transcendence of her people. The insanely complicated spell took just over 1100 years to prepare. After it was underway most of the Solarians went into stasis sleep with only Rii’Iia and a few other high-ranking Solarians to guard the island and make sure the spell continued on its course.

The Solarians awoke to find the Solora Spira under the control of the Flying Islands of Jasonia. Most of the Transcendi joined with Rii’Iia in the observation and combat of Fate and her alliance with the Time Distortionists. Some of the Solarians joined with Sai’Kar after being awoken and went with her to Ptia to help restore the race in the modern day. A few joined Jasonia, whom had good relations with the micron race. Virtually no one remained in Solaria itself and it can be said that at this time the country was disbanded.

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