Wrap your arms around him and return his kiss

From Create Your Own Story

You don't know what comes over you, but before you realize it, you've returned his embrace and his kiss. You tremble nervously, as his tongue penetrates your mouth, playing with yours. He moves his hands up and down your back, pressing you against him. that same wonderful sensation of his fur rubbing against your skin returns, made all the more intoxicating by his kiss.

Your heart skips a beat at your next realization. You want him. You want him to take your virginity. You want him to make love to you. You want to carry his child. Because you love him.

He was right. His nose didn't lie, nor do your feelings. Though you've only known him for less then a day, there is no denying that you could not love anyone stronger.

In this heated moment of passion, you haven't noticed that the entire village has been watching the two of you the whole time. Jereth finally separates from the kiss and smiles deeply at your pleasure induced face.

He turns to his tribe and announces, "Everyone, this is Evangeline. She has agreed to become my mate. You all know what that means, and it's time we get things ready. Break out the fire wood, and prepare a feast for the ages! This will be a night to remember."

You look up at him and ask, "What's going on?"

"A couples first mating is a very beautiful thing to us, and is something that is shared by everyone. So, we light a bonfire, have a feast, and gather around the honored couple while they mate."

Your eyes widen, and your cheeks turn bright red. "Y-you mean... everyone watches while we... have sex?"

He nods. "Of course. Don't worry, if you think it'll be too embarrassing, just keep your eyes on me, I'll help you forget that you're being watched."

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