Snap out of it. This isn't you! He's not in control, you are!

From Create Your Own Story

You feel so stupid. What the hell are you doing letting this man have his way with you? You glare at him and force his hands off your chest. You stand up and with small pop his erection comes lose of your wet pussy. You refuse to admit to yourself that you were enjoying the business man's rape.

You make a move to find another seat but before you take a step the man grabs you by the waist and roughly pulls you back into his lap. But this time his thick cock doesn't connect with your pussy. No... This time it pushes through your innocent unexpecting anal ring and shoves balls deep inside of you.

You let out a scream of pain and terror and almost pass out.

Through the tears in your eyes you look around for help.

Do you:

Health Horny & Hormonal, and anal fucked. Location:

The Bus

MP 0
Level 1
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