Call out to the bus driver that you need help.

From Create Your Own Story

"Help... Help, please..." you call weakly to the driver. The man underneath starts thrusting into your dry virgin asshole as the tears fall down your cheeks. You would fall over if it wasn't for his hands mashing your breasts and forcing you against his chest.

Suddenly the bus slows, the brakes screech as the driver pulls over. When he stands up and walks towards you you feel a sense of hope ballooning in your chest.

"Please, sir, this man-" you start. But before you can finish the driver covers your mouth.

"Shh, sweetie. Just enjoy the ride," he whispers as he leers at you. His hand smells of sweat and cigarettes, and you watch as his hand reaches for his zipper.

The business man underneath you tears open your jacket, buttons go flying and your bare breasts are exposed.

You need to get out of here quickly, or the situation will get even worse.

Do you:

Health Horny & Hormonal, and anal fucked. Location:

The Bus

MP 0
Level 1
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