Put together a bug out bag just in case.

From Create Your Own Story

You've seen enough zombie movies to know something isn't right. You full well understand that it's only a a metaphor for the breakdown of society as a whole, but what if if this is one of those moments? You get up and rummage around the apartment. Find a nice windbreaker that would double as a raincoat. Grab your backpack. Throw a couple of spare batteries in there, some duct tape, and some cans of food and a few bottles of water. You shove your fold up knife in your pocket just in case, and for a moment, wish you'd bought that gun Dad was always saying you needed. Oh well.

You shove the bag by the door and then consider your options. Should you step out into the hall and see if anyone else knows what's going on? Maybe the news media was making a mountain out of a mole-hill. Maybe you should just sit tight and wait for the police to handle it? You could just ignore all the fuss for now and let the officials handle whatever is going on.

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