Ongoing Story\The Troll gate crashes the party
From Create Your Own Story
Chapter 12: The Witches Get Their Just Reward
You are begining to feel a strange sensation in your loins.
"What are you doing to me!" you scream.
"We are the Witches of Lesbos! We have made you again as you once were, as if untouched by man! We have restored your maidenhead, you are a virgin once more!" The witch cackles insanely. "Only an unsulied virgin may serve our Queen!"
Just then the Troll catches up with you. The witches let go of your arms an begin uttering incantations and making spidery signs with their hands. Bolts of light shoot out of their fingertips and impact on the troll's chest. He bellows in rage, swings his club and one of the wiccan's skull collapses, with his free hand he grabs up another witch and rips her arm off and beats her with it. You've seen quite enough and boogie on out of there.
"Psst! Kayla! Over here!" A voice wispers. It's Neela! She is hiding in a small crevice in a rock outcropping. She motions you to join her and the two of you squeeze in together, her firm young body pressed up against your naked one. "We can hide here until daybreak, he can't reach us in here."
"What if the witches defeat him?"
"Doesn't look like there is much chance of that happening. Look!"
You turn and survey how the battle is progressing. Half of the women lay bloodied, either unconscious or dead. A couple ran off into the darkness, but the remaining few are now subdued by the troll. The troll flips up his filthy bearskin lioncloth an displays his glisten tool, the 18 inch rod oozing pre-cum.
"Service me well, and live to tell! Serve me poor and live no more!" His forces two of the nubile priestesses down on their knees in front of him. For all their talk about being untouched by men, they seem to know how to give pretty good head. Then again, if the troll is anything less than pleased he could ram his cock out the back of either of their heads with a thrust of his hips, they want to keep him happy. They gobble his rod and suck his nads like they're eating sirloin steak. Grabbing another priestess he strips off her clothing and runs his 13 inch tongue over her lily white flesh, salivating over her tits, her neck, and face. She grits her teeth in fear and disgust but the Troll rams his thick forked tongue against her lips, forcing them open. She starts to gag as he inserts its full length down her throat.
The Troll's balls have swollen to the size on cantalopes and have begun to pulsate. Without warning he empties their contents onto the witches sucking him off. The downpour compleatly drenches his victims with his creamy seed, but his penis remains rigid.
"Yummy yum yum Bitch, lap my cum!" He demands of the girl he's been soul kissing. She screams no, so he snaps her neck. He orders another girl to do the same thing, and she hurries to oblige, licking the other witches clean. When she is finished he throws her down and begins ramming his gigantic phallus inside her. She is barely visible underneath his large bulk. She shrieks in apin and terror as he penetrantes her, resting almost all his 400 pound weight ontop of her.
You turn away in horror, finding the poor girl's torment dificult to watch. Neela however is starring in rapt attension, you smell her musky sweat and feel her hard nipples pressing against you.
"His manhood is so large! And hideously grotesque. I wonder if... no, no woman could survive it! A pity really. It shames me that I find this arousing. But this is the first time I've witnessesed a woman penetrated." She confides.
The next thing that happens is....
What do you do now?