Ongoing Story\You remain still

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 13: The troll takes a break

You remain still for a little longer, almost afraid to move in case the troll hears you and deals to you the same way he has dealed to the witches. You turn your head to look again in the trolls direction, shuddering at what you might see.

To your relief the Troll is now standing up, having finished with the witches who have been 'servicing' him. He obviously has a premature ejaculation problem and has no drive left to continue. Just as well for the woman as they look in bad shape. At least they are still alive and they take this opportunity to stumble away into the bushes before the massive beast decides to come back for seconds. Whether they'll ever walk properly again, you have no idea.

"Ah ha! That will serve them right!" Booms the Troll, "Now it's time for some witch delight!" He picks up a severed limb from the ground and begins to knaw at it. He pauses, frowns and looks at the limb with disgust, "Bah! Witches flesh is truly fowl and I don't have my pot with me now! Virgin flesh is really the best, but after that fuck I need a rest!" He sits down on the slate and looks with satisfaction at the carnage around him, "My sexual urges have been satisfied, but I still feel a rumbling deep inside. I need fresh meat, but not this rot! I need a virgin in my pot! That elf girl and that nasty slut, I must find them and find them I must!"

You decide to take this opportunity and leave. You want to get as far away from this seen of carnage before the troll regains his strength and starts looking for you.

What do you do now?

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