Ongoing Story\Stay up

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 18: That night, and the next day

You stay up all night, talking with your family about what happened. Greg can't stop apologizing, "It's all my fault, I just have just taken Dad out, it never would have gotten this far..."

Johnny spends the entire time just staring into space with a bewildered look on his face, struck speechless from the universe being turned upside down.

You put Julie to sleep, as she shouldn't have to stay up any longer, maybe she won't be permanently scarred by this experience.

So, really, the entire conversations is between you and Rob. "I just can't believe that this happened, it was so sudden..."

"I know what you mean, they've both been decent parents up til now, Mom especially."

"I just hope Tracy's alright."

It isn't long before you and Rob realize that there isn't much to say, as you were both there for all of it, and Mom explained to you why it happened. So, after a few more empty sentences, you check on Julie, then go to sleep.

Unfortunately for you, you have school the next day. Your brothers try to convince you not to go, but you're actually a fairly studious person, so you go anyway.

However, you're there for five minutes when you realize that it was a mistake. You see all of your friends laughing and joking, but you just don't feel like you want to take part in any of it. You just stand there walking with your friends and half listening to the conversation, but your mind keeps going back to the night before and you can't put your mind to anything anyone is saying.

It's the same in your classes. You think your history teacher was talking about the Civil War, but it could have as easily been the American Civil War, the French Revolution, or any of a dozen other ones. Your Spanish teacher is truly speaking a foreign language, whether she's speaking English or Spanish.

At the end of the day, you have a free period. You're sitting in a corner of the cafeteria, brooding over what happened, and you really don't want to go home early.

You've only been sitting there for about 5 minutes when Allison, your best friend, shows up and sits down next to you.

"What's up, Lisa? You've been acting really weird all day."

"I...don't want to talk about it. I...had a really bad weekend, the worst of my entire life."

She wraps her arms around you, pulling your body into hers. "What's wrong, Lisa? You can tell me, we've always told each other everything."

"My parents, they...I really can't talk about it here." You suddenly fall apart, crying uncontrollably on her shoulder. You've been keeping the whole scenario separate from your mind, making it as unreal as possible. Allison's inquiries, however, have brought it to the forefront, and you are unable to deal with it.

"Oh, Lisa, I'm sorry, whatever it was." She hugs you tighter. "Why don't you come over to my house after school, I'll make you some hot chocolate, and we can talk about it."

You pull away, and look into her now wet brown eyes, and say,

What do you do now?

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