Ongoing Story\"Ok...I just need someone to talk to."

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 19: Allison

"Ok... I just need someone to talk to. Thank you for caring, Allison", you say.

"You're sad, Lisa. Of course I care."

The last class of the day pass in such a haze you can barely remember the subject. You manage to sit straight and appear attentive, but your mind is miles away, reliving the night's horrors. You wonder if the police will contact your school about it. After an eternity, the schoolday is finally over. You wonder if you'll ever feel better.

You meet up with Allison, and walk over to her house, holding hands. Her parents are very rich, and they have a huge home. Allison has a big room on the upper floor, and after making two big cups of hot chocolate with marsh-mallows, you go up and sit on her bed, sipping at the scalding beverage. For a brief time, the thoughts of last night leave your mind. But then, Allison softly says :

"Lisa, please tell me what's wrong. I've never seen you like this before."

Again, you start sobbing, the ghastly memories intruding. Allison hugs you, and continues "You know you can tell me anything."

"I... I don't want to burden you with it, Ali", you say.

"I'm your friend, Lisa. This thing is tearing you apart from the inside." The choice of words immediately brings forth memories of Tracy's brutalized body, and you bend over, sobbing uncontrollably. Allsion hugs you tighter, crying with you. She says, "I so want to help you, Lisa, but I don't know how!"

"I don't- It... It was so awful..." you manage between sobs. You and Allison hug until you stop crying. Then, she looks you deeply in the eyes. Her face is streaked with tears. You start to tell her the whole story.

You feel strangely calm all through the retelling. The same cannot be said for Allison. She listens, thankfully without asking questions, but you can see her cringe everytime you tell her of a new horror. Tears roll down her cheeks. After a long time, you're finally done.

"Oh, God. Lisa, I'm so sorry", she whispers. "Is there... is there anything I can do to help?"

"You don't think I'm a freak?"

"No! Don't even think that! It wasn't your fault. You saved everyone!"

Feelings well up inside you. Allison accepts you completely. You feel like you could give her the world without repaying her enough for that. "Just hold me", you ask her. Once more, you embrace. Your control of your emotions slip away, and you cry again, but in the arms of your friend, the tears wash away the worst of the terrors. Allison cries in sympathy. For a long time, you just hold each other. For the first time, you start to feel better.

When you hug Allison, you become aware of her body in a way you've never felt before. Her soft brown hair touching your hands, her wet cheek against yours. Her hands on your body. Her slim, beautiful body in your arms. Her small breasts pressing against yours...

'Oh, God. I'm completely messed up' you think to yourself. 'I can't even hug my best friend without thinking like this.' You stiffen at the thought. Allison notes your distress.

"What is it, Lisa?"

"I... Thank you, Allison. I feel better now."


"Yes, Ali?"

"Did you really... you know, have sex with your sister?" Allison looks... strange.

"Yes." What's more to say?

"I've always wondered about... what it would be like with a girl."

You stare at her, but then you begin to understand. Allison's never had a boyfriend, and she never joins in when you and other girls talk about boys. You realize now she's always been more interested in girls.

"It felt good. Really good. She was so soft and gentle." At first you add mentally, but there's no need to ruin the mood.

"Lisa... I don't know how to say this..."

You just look in her beautiful brown eyes, staying silent.

"Can you show me what you did?" Allison blurts out.

What do you do now?

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