Ongoing Story\Hope they don't pick you first
From Create Your Own Story
Chapter 22: A disagreement amongst the seven
"Which one should we fuck first?" Happy asks, "Hell! After all this time that little tease Snow White has resisted our advances, I say let's do her first!"
"Better let Sleepy go first." Doc says, "You never know when he's going to fall asleep."
"Hey, why don't I ever get to go first?" Grumpy snarls, "Why can't I be the one to pop her cherry?"
"I think Bashful should go first." Sneezy says, wiping his hand across his nose, "You know what he's like. He'll try to avoid being noticed and won't have a turn at all. I say we make sure he does his duty this time!"
"I don't know." Bashful says, "I'd much rather watch for a bit. I don't really know what to do anyway."
"You just shove your dick in her pussy!" Grumbles Grumpy, "There's nothing to it!"
"But I don't know whether I can keep it up." Bashful says. "Besides, I might not be very good at it. Maybe Dopey should go first?"
"I'm not going anywhere!" Dopey pipes up, "I'm going to fuck Snow White like the rest of you!"
"Well who's going first then?" Happy asks.
"Me." Doc says, "I'm the one with the brains, I'm the one who knows how to satisfy a woman like Snow White...."
"I want to go first!" Grumpy gripes. He pushes his way to Snow White, roughly shoving Doc aside.
Doc doesn't take kindly to being pushed aside so he grabs Grumpy and pulls him back, accidentally knocking Sleepy over in the process.
"Why you!" Sleepy grabs Doc by the hair and yanks! His elbow plunges back into the face of Happy who then becomes very unhappy!
"Nobody elbows me in the face!" He grabs Sleepy, spins him around and sends a powerful jab to the dwarf's face, sending him crashing back into Dopey! Seconds later a full blown brawl is underway with all the dwarf's attempting to pulverise each other with punches and kicks! One of the dwarf's comes flying towards you, sending you crashing off the table, your head hitting the floor violently!
The knock on the head seems to have a positive effect on you and you manage to regain some control of your actions. "Come on Neela!" You grab your Elf friend, "Let's get out of here while we can!"
All though Neela is still suffering the effects of the drug, she is still open to commands and accepts yours. You head towards the door....
"Wait!" Neela stops and looks back at the fruckus. The dwarves are still brawling angrily and Snow White still lies on the table. "What about Snow White?" What do you do now?