Ongoing Story\Take Snow White with you

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 23: Trying to get the girls to escape is like herding cats

You hurry to grab SnowWhite and get her out of there but she is too drunk.

"No, this is my home! Why would I want to leave it?" She says smiling, trying to kiss you and pull you down on top of her. Maybe its the drugs, but you feel you yourself reluctant to resist her. You turn to call out to Neela, tell her to flee into the woods, but she has made her way over to the dwarves while you were distracted.

"Why do you guys have to fight? Aren't you guys enjoying the party?" She says drunkenly, the wine and drugs sluring her speach. They stop fighting each other and turn their attentions to this drunken gorgeous slut.

What is she doing! No! She has foiled your escape, you can't get either Snow White or Neela out of here! You can only save yourself by jumping out the window. Maybe you could come back for them tommorrow after these drugs have worn off. But that would be to late to save their honor.

"Please! Don't leave Kayla! I want to make love to make love to you!" Snow White begs you, throwing her arms around your waist and kissing your tight stomach.

"So do we! Give them some more wine! One of them is trying to escape!", Doc yells.

What do you do now?

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