VRX 9000: Sex Games / Pretend to surrender (1)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You decide that hiding in the hovel isn't going to work, the guards could wake up at any time and give you away. You decide you'd rather confront the guard patrol head on, it looks like you'll have to deal with them some time or another. And without your sword there are only so many options. Making sure your dagger is well hidden, you just start walking forward down the tunnel and stop suddenly as if surprised when the guard patrol rounds the corner and spots you. You immediately put your hands up and surrender, trying to act as docile as possible. It isn't particularly easy, you are wearing armor and look rather tough. But you do surrender, and the two guards that have lowered their spears at you slowly start to move forward without sounding the alarm. "Who are you? How did you get here?" The first one says, slowly dropping his spear to pull his short sword and approach you while the other keeps his spear trained on you.

That was the last mistake he'll make. You don't have time to mess around with Katelin on your back. You reach forward and end the first guard with a quick swipe of your dagger which catches him completely off-guard. The other guard immediately cries out in alarm and tries to stab you with his spear. You barely dodge it in time then knock it away charging up the length of it. The guard knows he is beat and drops it, reaching for his sword. He manages to pull it out but does so too late to do anything with it as you pull the sword from the other dead guard and cut this guard down with it. You stand over these two guards for a moment before wiping off your sword and looking around. The second guard had cried out but no one seems to have been alerted. You are not surprised, he didn't cry out very loud, he was too concentrated on trying to stab you. His mistake.

You do hear the click of heels following you down the tunnel from behind though. Apparently that Katelin women is coming after you. You avoided her earlier, no reason to engage her here. And since you've regained a sword and the guards in the hovel haven't come out after you there is only one thing left to do. You sprint down the tunnel, passing hovel after hovel. Here and there you run into lone guards coming out of their hovel in different states of undress which you jump upon before they can do much of anything.

It doesn't take long however before alarms start to sound down the tunnel behind you, people are coming out to find the dead bodies. Either that or Katelin is warning people as she comes down. You curse, realizing they are getting too loud. The guards are going to be warned in front of you. You can't believe how many guard hovels you pass, if you don't stop Katelin behind you from warning everyone and causing a stir you'll never get by.

So you wait around a corner, hearing guards stir in the nearby hovels and hope that they don't come out in time to see you waiting in ambush. Sure enough you hear heels leading a pack of guards behind you. You wait for the right moment then lunge around the corner sprinting forward right where you know Katelin will be and slice forward with your sword. She seemed incredibly strong earlier, and now she has guard, but you have the element of surprise now. To your surprise when you turn the corner Katelin isn't who you see. Instead, you see a strangely beautiful woman with long raven hair and a very revealing outfit that almost makes you blush.


Special Character Revealed: Katelin's Apprentice - Zuna

With revealing black garb and a small, slender frame, the woman would look friendly if she wasn't dressed the way she was. Her eyes give away a bit of mischief and she seems like she doesn't have a care in the world. She is also strangely enough not wearing the standard cultist marks. The woman is also obviously some sort of apprentice, docile enough to be subservient to someone while disciplined enough to know some kind of craft. She carries a whip and likes to play with it idly as if she is just learning it's secrets. Around her you get a false sense of security.


You don't know who she is or where she came from, but she seems as startled to see you as you are to see her. You then suddenly think back to the strange metalic door and figure that is the only place she could have come from. Regardless, you strike at her instantly scoring a cut across her front ripping her black mistress outfit to shreds and barely missing her. The woman tries to bring up her whip in response but you are too close and the guards are too slow. You slam the hilt of your sword up into her jaw sending her reeling back in pain. The guards swarm past her then and you find a flurry of spears sent your way.

The fight is fierce, but to your dismay she gathered far too many on her trail behind you. Guards start to swarm out of the hovels around you as well and you quickly realize that there is no hope and simply drop your sword, letting them capture you. They are rough and immediately knock you out with a brutal blow to the head sending you into darkness. When you wake up, you find yourself in a dungeon and curse slightly. Of course. Three of the walls are rough stone with one filled with bars and a door. You find yourself manacled to the back wall, and your eyes suddenly shoot open realizing you are naked. You immediately curse in indignation and struggle against the manacles holding you tight against the wall to no avail. "What the fuck!?" You yell. You expected them to take your armor, but not your clothing.

That is when you hear it for the first time, and look over to see you are not alone manacled to the wall. To your intense surprise you see Zuna in the same condition as you, glaring over at you as you realize your position. You just give her a glare back wondering why she is also captured but are cut short as the door opens and two people walk into your cell. They are an odd pair, a scrawny absurd looking man and a bustful but very fit woman with long beautiful blue hair that is dressed in black latex very similar to that of a cult apprentice.


Special Characters Revealed: Aurora and the Gaoler

The two are a menacing and professional looking pair that brook no illusions to their purpose; breaking prisoners. The man is scrawny with a thick brown apron across his chest with civilian clothing underneath. He looks well versed in his craft and has the look of experience in him. The woman Aurora was once an apprentice to the cult, wearing apprentice latex bra, panties, and fishnets. She is currently learning the ways of breaking people from the gaoler in a sick form of internship before her return to an apprentice. It is obvious how she pays for the lessons, her very large and firm tits and ass a constant eyeful for the gaoler she is obedient to.


"I see the two of you have woken up." The gaoler says, walking in and dragging forward a small cart of cruel looking tools behind him. "We can now begin our work."

"Azura you BITCH!" Zuna suddenly yells from next to you, growling. "You let me go this instant or Katelin will find out about this! I am her favorite! You can't do this to me!" She tugs hard against the chains but you know it is useless, her frail and pale body obviously weak.

The Azura woman just gives her a cold look before looking to the gaoler who adjusts Zuna into his gaze. "We are under orders from the Captain to break you as well. You know as well as I that he isn't fond of you and how you treat the guards. But that is politics, so I am going to continue." You just watch and learn, ready to make a fight of anything they try to do to you. You briefly think about trying to break free but think you might want to wait for a better time. "Now," the gaoler starts, selecting a cruel looking hook from his cart, "I will begin with.."

He is cut off by Azura, putting a hand on his shoulder. The gaoler turns to her and looks up to her in the eye with a frown that you means trouble. Azura continues anyways. "Gaoler, please leave breaking these two to me. I've... always wanted to work on another of the apprentice." She gives Zuna a decidedly wicked grin then that gives your skin the crawls, making Zuna curse her.

The gaoler considers Azura for a moment then lowers his frown and looks back to you and Zuna. "Very well, I will let you break Zuna. I suppose that will leave the fighter to me."

Azuna steps forward again, this time with an even more wicked grin which you know means trouble. "Please, let me break the two of them together. I have a special idea for the two of them if you'll allow it." The two step outside the door and have a brief conversation, both of them getting heated at times, before the gaoler finally nods. Azuna then walks in by herself and lets the gaoler lock the three of you in the cell before walking off. Azuna then looks over you and Zuna with a devious yet cold grin. "It looks like the two of you are mine now."

"You'll regret this!" Zuna hisses, but Azuna ignores her.

Azuna raises a hand and suddenly with a small click the manacles holding you to the wall break free. You and Zuna fall down to your knees, manacles still between your ankles and wrists, but loose enough to move around in. The two of you look up at Azuna and you strongly consider rushing her, but listen as she looks down at the two of you coldly. "Here is my one time offer. The two of you will have sex. The one that does better I will let free." You just stare at her, shock hitting you. Have sex? With another woman? You look to Zuna who seems equally shocked although she does look at you considerately. .You get the impression she isn't sure she wants to play the game, but that she would win if she did.


What do you do?


Current Status: 90% - Normal

Current Items: None.

Current Alignment: (10/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Surge of Strength: x2

Intimidation: x1

Heart of Steel: x2

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