VRX 9000: Sex Games / Use Surge of Strength to attack (1)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You decide you are not about to deal with this crap. Have sex with one of your enemies? Have sex with a woman? For her twisted, perverted pleasure? Fuck no! Hell, the only reason you surrendered was to even the odds. And the odds are in your favor now. She even freed you from the wall. You just have to time it perfectly. You pretend to struggle up to stand then step forward a few times turning as if to look over Zuna. "Have sex with her huh?" You eye over the other captured apprentice. The look in her eye says that she is considering playing Azuna's game, and that she would win if she did. You are not sure if you could beat her at such a game, but you are not about to find out. "I think I make the two of you play instead." You say, turning and lunging at Azuna at the same time as you use your fighter ability.


Surge of Strength Used.


You feel strength bursting through your body and grin as you snap the manacles off of you like twigs, letting them fall as you slam forward right into the startled Azuna. She is quick though, and you slam into the bars denting them before jumping off them after her. She looks genuinely worried, obviously not expecting you to have such an ability. She pulls her whip and slashes at you trying to make distance but you just swipe away the attack as if it is nothing. You corner Azuna and when she makes a leap to escape you guess her move correctly and slam her into the wall pinning her there making her drop her whip. It is over, just like that as you bring a hand up to choke her, pushing her up against the wall. "I think I'll have fun with you two apprentice instead."

That is when you finally hear the guards swarming into the dungeon. You simply punch Azuna in the stomach hard, and with your surge of strength it bowls her over and she goes unconscious immediately. You see Zuna scampering away in her manacles and leap onto her next not giving her any slack. One swift kick full of strength crumples her against the wall. You then lunge with all of your strength at the bars keeping you in the cell and burst through them easily just as your surge of strength fades. Unfortunately you land right in the middle of a pack of guards. You manage to get a hold of one of their swords and kill three of them before they capture you again, fighting naked makes it rather difficult.

The guards re-manacle you and drag you back into the cell, this time keeping a sword at your neck in case you try anything funny again. "You won't hold me forever!" You growl, flexing against the guards' grasps. You can tell they are a little weary of you, looking over the crumpled apprentices and at the hole you created by shear strength.

The gaoler arrives moments later and looks over the scene with a frown. To your surprise he orders all three of you taken and starts to make arrangements. When the guards are surprised that they should capture and strip Azuna as well he turns to them with a cold look. "She failed. Miserably. We will see what the captain wants to do with all three of them." You and the two apprentices are led off for a while until word on what to do with you comes down the line. The gaoler is told to give all three of you to the men tonight, which makes you growl wondering which would dare try and touch you. You are dragged up into what seems to be some kind of barracks, cursing at your bad luck of location. Getting out of here will be hard. The gaoler then sets up a special place for the three of you in a small room, a large wooden wall in the center with three holes cut through it with two smaller holes above each. You turn red with anger and embarrassment when you realize what your punishment is going to be.

You curse and struggle but you end up drug to the hole, placed with your waist on it, hands secured above you to where just your upper body is sticking through the wall. You are tilted back with your hands pulled above you leaving you restrained with your breasts hanging down in front of you on the left hole. Zuna is placed in a similar fashion on the right hole, cursing worse than you demanding that she be brought to Katelin. The woman you saw earlier must be someone important. The guards ignore her though, especially when they see her amazing breasts hanging down for their pleasure. Azuna gets the worst of it however, put through the hole the other way where just her ass and pussy are revealed to the guards. You see the gaoler gagging her with a ball-gag on the other side despite her struggles and finally realize that while she is getting punished, the gaoler is sparing her the humiliation of the guards knowing they are fucking her.

Finally, the gaoler walks in front of the three of you, giving Azura a hard spank before addressing you all. "The three of you will be used by the guards for your disobedience. Azura will be released afterwards to continue studying." He then looks at the two of you. "I will let go whomever the two of you the guards enjoy the most. Do a good job and i'll walk you out of the barracks myself. Understand?"

"Go to hell you crotchety old fuck!" You growl.

He just glances at you then to Zuna before walking out. "Very well. I'll send them in."

You start to struggle hard against the wood. How dare he do this to you? That bastard! A minute later the guards start to come in, just five to your relief. You half-thought he was going to send in the entire barracks. Two of them head over to Zuna right away spotting her massive breasts, while two head straight towards Azuna's thick and very shapely ass leaving the last one to walk over to you with a grin. You immediately hear Zuna screaming on her end. "Don't you dare touch me you inbred slime! You filth! DON'T YOU DARE!" You look over to see them tugging on her tits pulling them this way and that slapping them and tugging on her nipples laughing to her humiliation. You spot the other two spreading Azuna's ass and poking at her making her squirm and briefly feel relieved you were not positioned backwards.

A hard slap takes you in the cheek reeling you back to the guard in front of you, the next second he grabs your face by both cheeks and forces you to look up at him. "Don't look at them, bunny. I'm your only concern now." You look up at the guard and growl, but you find your words muffled as he squeezes your face with one hand. He then drops it and slaps you again hard making you cry out a bit in pain. "Now let's see what I'm working with here." He grabs your hair hard and tugs your head making you look up, and right when you start to protest he jams two, then three fingers right in your mouth gagging you shoving them back as far as he can.

You gag, then choke on his fingers as your face flushes with anger and humiliation as the guard gags you over and over with his fingers. He then pulls them out just to slap you hard again, pain exploding across your face. Before you can recover from the blow he slaps you again hard before yanking your head back up to shove his fingers between your lips pushing them back to gag you even more. You try to fight but he grips your hair hard not letting you pull away, spit spilling out when he pulls his fingers back. He grins, then starts pulling his fingers out to let you cough, running them down to squeeze your tits covering them with spit. "I think I like my bunny with glistening tits." He grins.

You look up and give him a glare but he just slaps you hard again really staining your cheek red. He then grabs your face and shoves two fingers back between your lips gagging you and playing with your tongue as the rest of his hand grabs your chin and forces you to look up at him as he does that. The guard brings his other hand down to start slapping your breasts, and hard. Full arm swings making them bounce hard making you scream before gagging, your eyes tearing up from the pain and constantly choking on his fingers. "Hmm, a shame they are not as big as the other's down there." The guard says, making you fume. "But they are more firm, and more natural. As I'd expect from my bunny."

You glare as he keeps calling you that, then gag on his fingers before screaming as another full blow slaps your firm tits around. The pain in unbelievable! You'd endured a lot of pain in the past, but never something as sexually humiliating. You find it is really getting to you. The guard then really sticks his fingers down your throat and you gag and choke, writhing in your bonds unable to breath until a single tear slides down your cheek running your make-up slightly. The guard lets up then, letting go of you so you can sag forward coughing, blushing as he runs the split from your mouth all over your red tits now.

You cough then breath heavily for a few moments just glad to breath before you are suddenly choked, both of the guard's hands around your neck cutting off your air. You look up with wide, startled eyes and your face starts to turn red. You can't breath! You immediately panic, fighting the bonds trying to pull away but to no use! You look him in the eye scared and he just grins. "Now, my little bunny is going to do as I say, or she is going to regret it. Understand?" You just stare at him and nod quickly, not knowing what else to do. He grins and lets go and you immediatly collapse in your position hanging coughing violently before crying out as he slaps your cheek again hard making your eyes tear up again.

By the time you recover and look up from your abuse you see he has his massive cock out, moving it in front of you. You knew this was coming, but you didn't think he'd treat you so roughly. Fuck, he better not make you touch that sick, massive thing! The guard grins. "Stick out your tongue, bunny." Still breathing hard, you slowly run your tongue out desperately trying to find some way to find him. You'll have no strength if he keeps choking you. To your disgust he presses his cock up against your lips resting it on your tongue and starts to grind it back and forth. You are forced to suck on it and lick it as he does, holding your hair with an iron, painful grip as he does. You've never been more humiliated, sucking on his cock getting it nice and lubed.

The guard runs his cock up and down across your lips over and over, humiliating you to no end as you are forced to wrap your tongue around his cock and suck on it's sides over and over as he holds you there. "Now kiss it, bunny." He demands, making you look up at the cock in front of you with a glare. Cursing softly under your breath you are forced to kiss up and down his massive, disgusting cock until he is satisfied until he finally presents you with the tip. "Suck it, and use your tongue now."

You just glare and fume but eventually reach forward and take the tip of his cock in your mouth and suck on it, running your tongue out to press against the tip then slurp around it over and over again. You blush as you then start to run your head back and forth, sucking and working the tip over and over. More guards start to poor into the room now and two come over to you, grinning and looking you over greedily. You blush in humiliation as the original guard pulls it cock away then makes you clean it with your tongue again, making you stick it out while he grinds his cock up and down against your lip and tongue. "Damn, this one is pretty hot." "Look at her take that cock!" "Fuck, you see those tits?" They say, one after another.

The original guard just grins. "See how good my little bunny here is at cleaning cocks? She is going to clean a lot of cocks tonight. Especially those that have been in that middle one's ass." Your eyes go wide in indignation at the laughter from the other guards, closing them blushing furiously as you run your lips up and down sucking on the guards cock dutifully. How did this fucking happen? You start to gasp as the other guards start to reach past and squeeze and tug on your tits, to your horror actually turning you on by playing with your nipples.

Finally, the first guard pulls his cock away then yanks your hair back making your scream in pain, forced to look up at him again. He spits on you to your horror and disgust, making you blush deeply in humiliation, then spreads it all over your face which makes you almost sob in disgrace. When he is done he slaps you hard before grabbing your hair and yanking you back up to look at him again. "Who is my little bunny?" He says, and you look up horrified realizing he wants you to answer, gasping softly as the other guards start to play with your nipples more.


What do you do?


Current Status: 90% - Normal

Current Items: None.

Current Alignment: (10/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Surge of Strength: x1

Intimidation: x1

Heart of Steel: x2

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