Ongoing Story\You slip away into the bushes undetected

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 14: Neela makes her move

Still naked, the two of your slip away into the woods together, leaving the Troll far behind. Hopefully that is the last you will see of him.

After running for what seems like hours, the two of you finally come to stop at a fresh water stream. You both bathe in the waters, cleaning the dirt from your bodies and catching your breath. You decide that it's time to ask Neela to help you get to the Grey Forrest.

"The Grey Forrest?" She asks, "Yes, I know where that is. And yes, I can help you get there. But let us not worry about that just now. Let us just relax for a short time."

You think that is a wonderful idea and you sit down in the stream beside each other, resting on the bank, allowing the cool clear water to run over your bodies. You relax and close your eyes. No sooner have you closed them when you feel Neela's hand slide across your breasts. You open your eyes immediately and stare at her as she gently caresses your nipples.

"You are so beautiful Kayla." Neela turns to look you in the eye, continuing to fondle your tits. You make no move to push her hand off because her hands are so soft and gentle. "I would give anything to hold you in my arms... to kiss you.... to run my tongue down your breasts to your sweet pussy where I long to lick the juices from your vagina! Let me bring you the pleasure that only another woman can bring.... Please Kayla......"

You are so turned on by her words and her touch that you can't resist. There is something so alluring about her. "Yes." You say, "Do those things."

You relax as she leans forward and begins to kiss you on the lips. You touch her smooth soft skin and run your hand up her leg and across her silky thighs. Neela runs her tongue down your chest and sucks on one of your nipples. She then makes her way down your stomach and down to your aching pussy where she begins to lick you.

But then something truly horrifying happens!

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