Leave the house and go back to Mrs. Park and Melanie

From Create Your Own Story

You turn and head for the door, leaving the woman to her own devices. As you turn the knob, the woman speaks up. "I wouldn't go out there," she says. "Just about everyone in the neighborhood was infected."

"Yeah, thanks for the advice," you say, leaving the crazy looking woman behind as you step out onto the porch. You start making your way across the lawn, and suddenly you notice she was right. Along the roadway, you can see dozens of shapes moving around aimlessly, bashing at cars with weapons, fighting with other dark shapes, and you know they must all be the infected that Elizabeth was talking about. If you can get to your car, you could drive through the mass and get the hell out of dodge, but getting there is the problem. If you turn around, you can get safely back inside most likely, but then what? You'll be stuck in the house with that crazy woman, and Melanie and Mrs. Park will be on their own.

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