Rush for the car and hope for the best.

From Create Your Own Story

You hope against hope that you can make it to the car and get inside before you're noticed. You rush through the rain and the dark, across the wet soggy lawn, feeling your heart pounding in your chest harder with every step. You rush on, headed for the car, when a bolt of lightning streaks across the sky and lights up the neighborhood. It's then you can see clearly that they aren't meandering in the street. They're waiting for you.

Just as your feet pound into the pooled water on the concrete of the street, it's too late to turn back. One of the shadowy figures lurches in and takes hold of your arm. You feel a stinging pain in your side as another shadowy figure buries something sharp and metal into the flesh of your stomach. The pain is sudden and sharp, and nearly buckles your knees.

Even through the rain, you can hear their awful voices, deep and groaning, raspy and hard. "Killlll it...." they call. "Fuuuuuck ittt and killll ittt...." they groan, as more hands fall across your body in an attempt to drag you to the ground. It dawns on you then that you're going to be ravaged, savaged, and murdered, and that as much as you fight, there are too many to get away from.

You die slowly, painfully, having your orifices and body used by both men and women. It's a horrible way to go on an equally horrible night.

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