WoE Speak with the diplomats.

From Create Your Own Story

She quietly approached the two foreigners, who continued their heated conversation.

"This is simply unacceptable." Said the man. "We've been waiting for over three hours."

"Calm yourself brother." The woman said as she gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure Queen Isis is very busy."

Shani politely bowed her head as she strode up beside them.

"Pardon the intrusion, but are you waiting to see the Queen?" Asked the witch.

The pair looked her up and down, the man's gaze lingering on her chest.

"Why yes madam we are, and who might you be?" The man said, eyes still fixed to her bosom.

"My name is Shani a humble soothsayer from the far desert." She replied.

"Perhaps she can look into the future and see if the Queen will ever meet with us." The woman giggled.

"Forgive my sister." Said the man. "She has little respect for sorcery. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Julius and this is my twin sister Julia. We come as emissaries from Greece."

"This could be my way in." Shani thought to herself

How does she proceed?:

Status Fine Equipment

Concubine Outfit

Location Palace Courtyard
Cock Hidden
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