WoE Make friends with the siblings.

From Create Your Own Story

"It's been some time since I've had occasion to visit Greece." Shani said smiling. "Perhaps I'll go after my business here is concluded."

"Oh?" Said Julius."What business is that?"

Shani grinned.

"I have a...personal matter to discuss with Queen Isis."

"Ah, well best of luck getting an audience." Julia said laughing.

"Indeed." Shani replied. "It seems we're all stuck waiting. Perhaps we could take a stroll through the gardens to pass the time?"

This seemed to brighten Julia's mood.

"What a lovely idea!" Julia said. "Come dear brother, let's go for a walk!"

The trio set off into the palace's sprawling gardens. They were filled with tiny running rivers and lush greenery only made possible thanks to the royal wizard's magic. The sweet sights and smells grew stronger and stronger as they made their way out of sight of the palace, chatting merrily.

Time for some magic!:

Status Fine Equipment

Concubine Outfit

Location Palace Gardens
Cock Hidden
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