Coming Out: Deny Janet's advances I

From Create Your Own Story

You frown as you notice Janet looking dejected. Her eyes are going all over the place, staring at you, to the bathroom door, to the exit door. You sigh. She is becoming quite upset over your refusal of her advances. You wish that it could be easier - that you could just make her forget this night. You never should have came.

"What the hell is your problem, Luke?"

"Nothing, Janet, i-it's nothing, I promise," you mutter under your breath, looking at her sadly as she sat up from the seat of the bed and looked you straight in the eye. You could tell she was not happy with what you did - not happy one bit. You put your head on her shoulder and she urges back, looking at you in disgust.

"No, seriously, what the fuck is this? I've invited you into my home, bought you a nice drink at the bar, have been nothing but good to you, and then once we get all the way and you let me put your little dick in my mouth, you are going to just suddenly change your mind? If you were having second thoughts, why did you even come over here? Why'd you let me do the things that I did? Why does this always happen to me? How come I can't get any man's attention?"

You look at her and swallow down a huge load of your pride. You're going to tell Janet something you've never told anyone before: not Maxwell, not your parents, not your family, not the rest of your friends, no one.

"Janet, let me explain."

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