Coming Out: Come Out II

From Create Your Own Story

You're a fag. And you've been a fag for most of your life (at least that you can remember) and nothing was going to change that. You'd been in denial between thirteen when you had your first erection and twenty but this past year has allowed you to own your sexuality. Gay marriage was legal. Ellen was the most likeable and popular person in pop culture currently. Maybe it was time for you to be brave and just let it out. At least it would help her feel better about herself. Maybe. Or maybe you were just being selfish. But it was coming now - and you had to say it.

"Janet - I'm gay."

It was curious how easily those words left your lips. It was almost as if the weight of a thousand years of guilt had been lifted from your shoulders. You close your eyes and hold your head in your hands, dreading to look up at Janet's reaction. She's being quite quiet. You open your fingers and face her. She's frowning as looks to you in anger.

"Like that's an excuse? Do you think I give a shit if you are a fag," she huffed, getting off of her bed, and picking up your shirt and khakis off the floor. "Most gay men I know wouldn't just let a woman unknowingly violate herself just to try and prove some selfish point. You're an asshole, Luke."

"Janet, I-"

"Go home," Janet yelled, throwing your clothes at you and then tossing herself into her bed and lying against her pillow. "Go to hell. I'm not just some piece of meat for men to either lust over or use for their own private issues. Just - just leave."

You feel like shit.

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