Tell the IRS agent he needs to talk to your accountants

From Create Your Own Story

"I don't do the financial work myself," you say, rising from your chair. "Come with me, please, and I'll take you to see my accountants. Your name, sir?"

"Agent Jonathan Ness," the man replies. "I'm looking into Enron and Tyco in particular." He follows you out to the parking lot and drives his own car behind you as you lead him to your headquarters.

"We have nothing to hide," you say as you lead Agent Ness into the building. "Feel free to copy or e-mail any documents you need." You enter a large office where your chief accountant, Lyle Marston, is processing the day's transactions. "Lyle, this is Agent Ness of the IRS," you say. "Please assist him in his investigation into Enron and Tyco. Anything he asks for, help him find it."

Lyle nods. "At your service, Mr. Ness," he says.

"You're the first company to offer full cooperation," the agent says with a smile. "I guess you really do have nothing to hide. Enron and Tyco, on the other hand..."

Your company has always and openly cooperated with all authorities of any government. Your philosophy was to exploit the rules and shelter money legally. You didn't ask questions about where it came from, but while it was in your possession, you never did anything that would get you in trouble. "They didn't follow the rules," you say. "I have a team from the CIA and a team from the FBI due in tomorrow that are also looking into them. Maybe you should stick around a few days and combine your efforts."

"Thank you," Agent Ness replies. "I'll do that."

You wave good-bye to the agent, who is already looking with interest at some documents that Lyle has called up on his computer, and head out to the local bar. You sip your nonalcoholic umbrella drink and check out the babes.

Three in particular -- an insanely tall blonde, a slightly chubby brunette with soulful eyes, and a rail-thin redhead -- catch your eye. You wander over and introduce yourself to...

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