Saya/Black Dress/2/Teach them some respect

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to show them who they're dealing with, lest the dress were to convince them you're actually a harmless girl. You calmly walk up to the leering guards and simultaneously hit them with a palm strike to the chin, sending the both of them crashing into the other guards behind them. The rest of the guards is in shock for a few moments as the two you hit aren't even making a twitch. A deadly glare later, they properly stand at attention and you get in the carriage without any more fuss.

Your escort soon gets over its confusion and prepares to leave. You hear more than a few of them talking about 'the rumors being true after all'. You observe the men trough the window of your carriage. Their morale seems quite low, you'd guess they're aware that they were handpicked to make you look bad. A few nasty scars here and there and the way they carry themselves gives you the impression most of these guys have seen the battlefield up close many times though, maybe you could use this situation to your advantage by showing them you value strong warriors more than the officials who send them..

You ponder for a while as to how to go about this as you notice the two you knocked down earlier. They look even more down than the rest of them for obvious reasons and haven't even bothered to treat the injuries they got from being sent flying. Perhaps you could treat their injuries to make up for humiliating them before?

You :

Treat their injuries

Just forget about it all and keep to yourself until you arrive at your destination

Health 100 Equipment:

Black Dress

Stamina 100
Mood Calm Inventory:

Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 50, 00, 00
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