Go show the ring to the elders?

From Create Your Own Story

You decide after much thought that it would be best to go and show the elders this odd ring. The ring had to be magical or at least enchanted. But some part of you wanted to keep he ring all to your self. As if you needed the ring. A deep part of you felt that, if anyone else knew of it, you would lose the most precious thing in your life; this ring.

Still, you knew that you had to show them the ring. The elders would know what to do with it. They always did. So, in the slowly dimming light, you set off across the Elvish city to the temple of the Elders. As you walked you couldn't help but feel nervous. What if this ring was nothing? You definitely did not want to waste their time. That wouldn't be good at all. But what if the ring really was evil? If that was the case then the Elders would no doubt destroy it.

As you continued to walk you couldn't help but feel that all eyes were on you. It felt that everyone in the streets were watching you as if you were some odd creature. Paranoia set in as you quickened your pace. You walked faster and faster as you turned down side roads and took detours just so you could avoid any and all wandering eyes.

By the time you reached the heart of the city, where the temple stood, it was quite dark. It had to be at least eleven o' clock at night. Should you wait until tomorrow to show them? No. If this ring was truly evil than it should be showed to them right away. It was of the utmost importance that they see what you possessed.

Taking a deep breath, you slowly opened the huge double doors. They opened smoothly and silently, though you did expect them to be heavy and possibly creak. Inside you walked into a huge domed room. The ceiling was high and plastered with ornate pictures and paintings. It was the entire history of the Elven nations all of one ceiling. You found it quite beautiful as you craned your neck to look up at it.

You stood there and admired the ornate paintings for sometime before you noticed that you weren't alone in the room. You jumped as your gaze found a woman smiling at you. She was very beautiful but she also looked a little different. Instead of the usual beauty of the elves with their warm faces and voluminous hair this woman was very pale. Her hair was practically white and was draped limply around her thin shoulders. She spoke first;

"I know why you've come." The woman smiled slightly as she looked at your shocked face. "You've found the One Ring. It seems it's your destiny."

You were quite obviously confused as you looked back at her, "My destiny? My destiny to do what?" You furrowed your brow at her in confusion as she giggled slightly, "Well, I can't tell you what your destiny is. You'll just have to find out yourself. Come." She lightly offered a hand before turning and walking away and down a hall.

This woman was so strange. You weren't quite sure if you should follow her or not. How could she know that you've found this ring. No one was around when you found it and you showed no one after you got home. How in the world could she know of it? Perhaps she had you mixed up with someone else.

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