Take the ring home to examine and possibly to show the elders?

From Create Your Own Story

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Fish in hand you walk back to your city. Still, the thought of the contents in your pocket stayed in the back of your mind. You just couldn't get the ring out of your mind.The ring intrigued you. Filled you with both wonder and fear. The thought of this ring was so odd. It seemed evil. Sinister.

As you trekked back through the forest you did happen to notice how dull everything became. No animals played or sang in the forest. No animals were even seen. Even the colors of nature had faded and grown dark. All this didn't seem right to you. You began to walk quicker until you finally came to the entrance of the city you grew up in.

Quickly, you walked to your mother's house. She lived in a beautiful white tower, along with many others. As you crossed the threshold you saw her there at the table. She peered at you oddly as you entered.

"You took so long! I was worried for you!" She did look worried. She also looked very tiered; as if she hadn't slept in days.

"I'm fine mother. I'm sorry to have made you worry... You should really rest." You cross the floor and set the fish in the sink. Soon you were at her side, with your arm around her thin shoulders. "Mother, are you alright? You look as if you haven't been sleeping."

You mother nods before looking into your face, "I'm fine. Just a little tiered. I haven't slept well lately. I should ask what ailing you! You look as if you came face to face with your fore fathers!"

You look at your mother questioningly. "What?" Could all this be connected to the ring? Might all of this have to do with your discovery? "Mother, I'm fine really. I just have something to do right now. I've been so busy lately..."

It was then that a thought came to you. Could it be possible that the ring is something to be taken up with the elders? Perhaps the ring would be something they would like to know about. They are normally told of everything that goes on here in the city. They would probably wan to know about such an evil ring.

"Mother, I have a few more errands to run. I'll be back later to check on you...."

You turn and exit the room. Outside you notice the sky is slowly growing dark as the sun wanes into dusk. It will be pitch black very soon. What ever he was about to do; he should hurry.

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