Keep the ring for yourself?

From Create Your Own Story

As you stood outside you couldn't help but to feel that if you showed this ring to anyone it would be taken from you. For some reason your mind couldn't bare to even think about the ring being taken. It was yours! You found it! No should be able to take it!

Greed overcame you as you took the ring from your pocket. In the fading light the ring still shone brightly. Abnormally brightly. It almost seemed to glow. You turned the ring about in your fingers. This was yours... no one would take it. But you had to put it somewhere safe! But where? Surely someone would find it if you hid it outside... And you couldn't hide it in your house because what if someone broke in! It could be stolen! No! You couldn't let this precious thing out of your sight. It would have to be kept with you at all times!

Looking left, then right, you made sure no one was around. Still, you couldn't help but to feel like you were being watched. Such a strange feeling. It made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end and caused goose flesh all over your body.

You clenched the ring in your fist. If someone had plans to steal it they would have to pry it from your cold dead hands. "It's mine.... No one shall have it...." You repeated these words as you walked. You didn't quite know where you were going, but you knew that no one would get their hands on your ring. Madness finally taking its tole; you wander out into the darkness. Never to be seen or heard from again.

I'm afraid this is the end of your adventure.

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