
From Wikivinaya

The proposed subject-areas of WikiVinaya are as follows:

  1. General information on Vinaya as a scripture and a practice, the reasons for and background to the Vinaya.
  2. General Buddhist terms like bhikkhu, Dhamma, almsbowl, meditation, Sariputta, etc. Many of these articles might be copied or adapted from the Wikipedia online encyclopedia[1].
  3. Detailed information on the 227 patimokkha rules for bhikkhus and the 311 patimokkha rules for bhikkhunis.
  4. Detailed information on the thousands of other prescriptions, regulations and rules as contained in the Mahavagga, Cullavagga and some of the suttas of the Sutta Pitaka.
  5. Detailed information on the opinions of the various monks who have composed commentaries on the Vinaya during the last 2500 years.
  6. Information on other monastery-rules (Kor Wat in Thai language) which are frequently confused with the Vinaya-rules, but are actually not part of the Vinaya or commentaries, but a very recent and local addition to the practice of the Vinaya.
  7. Differences in current interpretation and practice of these rules, as practiced in the various current monastic lineages (or sub-groups) within the Theravadin Buddhist Monastic Order. An example of this are the different interpretations of the same rules in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
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