Static Shock

From Superdickery

Static Shock was an animated show set in the DCAU, which was to help teach kids that racism isn't cool, and to feature a young black kid as its star.

The main character, Virgil Hawkins, is the son of a man who runs a youth center. When a bunch of experimental gas explodes, it showers him and others, granting them superpowers. This event is referred to as The Big Bang, and people who have powers because of this are called Bang Babies. Serious comic goers who don't know how to have fun think this is idiotic.

Virgil's best friend is a guy nammed either Reggie, or Richie. In the actual comics the show was based on, he's gay. In the show, he's a flaming homosexual who won't admit it. He has a racist father. Later in the series, he gets hit by more gas which had just been introduced, which makes him into a Bang Baby. With no real, actual powers...

One of the main enemies of Static was Rubberband Man. He was a shapeshift much like Plastic Man, in where he can change into any shape, but kept his regular colors. During the running of the show, he reformed and became a good guy. Static had numerous other enemies, but they aren't all that interesting.

Throughout the course of the show, Static changed his outfit and accessories numerous times. Because he didn't look too awesome at first.

In the course of Static, many fellow black superheroes were met. Almost all of them were electricity based, which caused Virgil and DiscipleJohn to claim that every black hero has electricity-based superpowers. An exception was Asanabi, or Anasabi, or something like that. He was an African superhero whose powers were illusions. So, all non-African black superheroes have electricity based powers.

There were many guest stars that appeared on the show in the latter seasons, which would help appeal to the target audience. The NBA All-Star Team joined with them. Shaq and Yao Ming were included. They were actually tech-based Superheroes that no one in the universe knew existed.

Static ran during the same era as Justice League, and right after Batman Beyond ended. Static crossed over with Justice League for a two-part episode, and numeroues DCAU stars came into Static's city every now and then. Static once helped Batman repair something in the Bat-Cave (which needed electric based help), and was accidently sent to the future of Batman Beyond, where he teamed up with Terry to rescue the most powerful superhero on Earth. The hero had traded himself to save the lives of people, and his whereabouts wee unknown. Since the Justice League had moved to Alpha Centauri, Terry teamed up with Static. At the end of the episode, it is revealed that Future Static was the most powerful superhero, and he appeared to be about 30 years old. Later, during Justice League Unlimited, some of the JL team was sent back and forth through history. At one point they enter the Batman Beyond timeperiod, where Terry and Static help them out. It is to be noted that Static is around 80 years old here, and isn't as powerful as he was in the other story.

Static's powers were ludicrous. If it had anything to do with electricity, he could do it. He could even heal people's wounds, tend their muscles, and re-invigorate them. Similar to "Lay Hands" from D&D. He was highly overpowered.

Despite its audience and its faults, it was a great show to watch, due to how hilariously bad it could be at times.

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