Main Page

From Rpcvdraft

Revision as of 12:49, 10 November 2007 by Rcollman (Talk | contribs)

This wiki (called WikiFON) is for Return Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) that are members of Friends of Nigeria (FON). At the moment its purpose is to work out a draft of how FON members might place stories, pictures and collaborate on creating a wiki of their experiences. A site map in outline form might be a helpful place to investigate. For example, you will find a general group index page that has links to descriptions of each group (such as Group XVI description).

This site is viewable by the public but contributors must have a login and password issued by the site administrator.

Content appearing on this site may not be used without permission of FON. At this point in time (10/27/2007), content will be placed for example purposes only.

New WikiFON users might click on "Help" which appears on every page over on the left in the Navigation block. Or click here for more help on adding content. This is a collaborative effort, so others can help you, even if you don't ask.

If you can log in, you can leave a message or comment for Greg here or Chris here. FON members can use the listserv to send a message about this draft site.

See also

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