How To Develop Landing Pages for PPC Advertising8414208

From Melliemaster

One of the hardest lessons for the novice PPC marketer to learn is the value of optimizing landing pages. Considering the fact that there is no rocket science involved with this, then that should be all the more encouraging. This practice should be a standard tool in your arsenal, and once done you will be happy because you will make more money.

Let's face it; if you're running a PPC campaign then your aim is to get high conversions, and that will not happen unless and until you make it clear to yourself what your goal is. There simply is no getting around the need to do this so you can adjust your ad copy or any other aspect for greatest conversions possible. If your visitor is not clear about what you want him or her to do, then your conversions will suffer greatly. Find out what goal you want to achieve with your PPC campaign and infuse that in your landing page. Regardless of what you want to do, those elements and goals need to be included in your landing page. If the visitor does not immediately know what you want, then they will not know what they need to do.

Web forms can be a little tricky because you can turn off people depending on what you request of them. Never present people with a huge form because it is not necessary and conversions will suffer. You can safely assume nobody will ever part with their phone numbers in your form. Just think about how you feel when it comes to filling out forms, and probably think just like your visitors. Using a third party payment processor is much different, and people expect to have to give their address and other information. No matter where you are sending people, make sure the landing page is prominent on that page. The last thing you want to do is put too many mouse clicks in the process. Multiple pages will only bring down the conversion rate.

You do have to tell people what you want them to do, and you get that done with your call to action. One classic beginner mistake is to just know that people will know what they are supposed to do. Nobody should wonder what it is you want them to do. For instance, if your aim is to turn your visitors into leads, then explicitly tell them where they need to enter their information and why they need to do so.

Landing page optimization for your PPC campaign should be your first priority because without a good page, you're simply going to lose valuable traffic and end up with a low conversion rate. home page

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