Category:Daily Eugene Guard (1905)

From Lane Co Oregon


A DEAD BEAT STOPPED J. C. Rane, an employee at the Booth Kelly mill, after getting his monthly pay check last evening, packed his few belongings and proceeded to shake the dust of Springfield from his feet without first paying landlady Jackson for his month's board. Marshal Humphreys was at once notified and with the assistance of the Eugene Marshal and the Pacific States Telephone, the would be dead beat was spotted at Eugene and persuaded to pay over $18 without further ceremony. Tourist laborers should either be made to pay board in advance, or the Booth Kelly Company hold their board money back. This is quite a frequent occurrence and should be prevented in some way. - Springfield News.


BOOTH KELLY NEEDS WORKERS The Guard has obtained information through persons of the Booth Kelly Lbr. Co. in this city that the company is now scouring the country for men to operate the big mill at Wendling. It is not learned when the mill will resume, but it is thought between the first of September and the first of October. It is also learned that the company wants more men for the mill in Coburg, the intention being to increase the running hours of that plant. From the same source the Guard learns that the company has a fund of $750,000 which it will soon expend in the operation of its big milling and logging systems. It is stated that one or more additional mills may be erected. The company holds large tracts of fine timber in the Mosby Creek and Row river countries above Cottage Grove, and it may be that it intends to erect a mill in that vicinity. About two years ago it was announced that the company would build in that section, but the depression in the lumber market came about that time and the project was temporarily abandoned. The lumber market has picked up wonderfully in the last few months and every sawmill of any consequence in the state is now rushed with orders. A man brought down from the Bohemia mines states that the five mills along the Oregon and Southeastern railroad are unable to keep up with orders and are turning many away. All of the mills of the Booth Kelly Co. are rushed. The reopening of the Wendling mill and the consequent operation of the adjacent logging camps means the resumption of the great prosperity which prevailed here for several years prior to the closing down of the plant.

The Booth Kelly Company's operations have always been a great factor in the prosperity of Eugene and Lane County, and everybody is glad to hear that the lumber market has so improved that the company has seen fit to resume operations at Wendling and to enlarge its great system of mills.


MORE GOLD FOUND ON THE MOHAWK A few days ago the Guard printed an item to the effect that a ledge of gold-bearing quartz had been found near Fischer's mill in the vicinity of Marcola, but later printed a communication from a well-known citizen of that place that assays of the quartz showed no gold at all. In contradiction to the letter the Guard today received a report from a reliable source that the Hyland brothers, who operate a sawmill on the Mohawk had found a 32-foot ledge, and assays of the rock taken out showed that it contains from $1.50 to $7.50 worth of gold per ton. This would indicate that the find is worth something, but it is not learned whether the property will be developed or not.


UP THE MOHAWK AFTER A CRAZY MAN Deputy sheriff Bown is up the Mohawk after a supposed crazy man by the name of Gusty. H. E. Phettyplace who resides at Thurston, last evening telephoned to Chief of Police Stiles that there was a man there who was acting strangely and was thought to be insane. The Sheriff's office was notified and Mr.Phettyplace was asked if he could keep him there overnight and bring him to Eugene this morning. He replied that he could and started to town this morning in a wagon. As they reached the Mohawk road Gusty jumped out of the wagon and said he was not going any further. He struck out toward Wendling. The man wore an army uniform and Mr.Phettyplace says he thinks he is a deserter.

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