Postdoctoral Fellowships on Indonesia - KITLV-Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies

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Postdoctoral Fellowships on Indonesia

KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies

The research consortium 'In Search of Middle Indonesia' invites applications for two 12-month postdoctoral fellowships, to start as early as September 2009.

'In Search of Middle Indonesia' ( is a joint Netherlands-Indonesia research program. It conducts social science research on intermediate classes (lower middle class), and particularly youth, in provincial towns in Indonesia. It runs from 2006 to 2010.

Each postdoctoral fellowship is for a period of one year, with an evaluation after six months. Both postdoctoral fellows will produce peer-reviewed scholarly publications. In addition, one will assist with preparing other Middle Indonesia publications. Successful candidates will be hosted at the KITLV in Leiden, Netherlands.

Qualifications: The candidate should have a completed PhD, with Southeast Asian research experience either in urban studies or in youth studies.

Selection procedure: Applicants should submit (1) their curriculum vitae, (2) the names and contact details of two academic referees, (3) a 2-3 page research proposal, and (4) a short statement indicating possible interest in editing other Middle Indonesia publications.

The proposal should be on one of the following topics: either

1) The rise/ role of middle classes in provincial towns in Indonesia, or

2) Being young in a provincial town in Indonesia

Applications should be sent electronically to Middle Indonesia program coordinator Dr. Gerry van Klinken <> by 15 June 2009. Positions may remain open beyond that date until filled. Further information may also be obtained from Gerry van Klinken.

'In Search of Middle Indonesia' is funded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences KNAW under the Scientific Program Netherlands-Indonesia (SPIN). Coordination takes place through KITLV (

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