
From Four Nations


Bato is a member of the Southern Water Tribe, apparently best friend to Hakoda and a member of the Water Tribe fleet. He was first seen in Bato of the Water Tribe.


Bato (like Hakoda) is a kind and good natured person who is always at hand when needed. He appears to be a tactition as well as a formidible fighter. On his first appearence in Bato of the Water Tribe, he was living in an Abbey located near the coast of the Earth Kingdom after he had stayed behind from being badly wounded during a battle with the fire nation, he seemed to have recovered from this however when he made a reappearance in The Guru (even if he was still badly scared). Bato was also the person to test Aang, Sokka and Katara by using a Water Tribe tradition known as Ice Dodging (except it was done with rocks instead of icebergs), which symbolised Sokka's progression into manhood and Aangs induction as an honourary member of the Water Tribe.

Bato was a member of the invasion in The Day of Black Sun Part 1: The Invasion, although he was captured when the invasion failed and the soldiers surrendered.

Bato wears Water tribe attire much like Hakoda, Sokka and Katara, he also is seen wearing bandages (due to his injury).


Bato is best friends with Hakoda and therefore shares a friendship with Sokka and Katara. He also has a friendly relationship with Aang.

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