Nathaniel Kane

From Egs Mayhem


Brief Description

Nathaniel is my character in The Unsung Heroes of K-Site RP. Please don't let the sad, fanboy name put you off. He is a character that has scene many incarnations. He actually started out as a random MiB in a Mage: the Ascension game I used to run. However, as what often happens, he got a rapport with one of the PCs, thus got promoted to returning Villain. Of course, he would never think of himself in that role. He's here to protect you, from yourself if necessary.

His latest incarnation was a lot more military & a lot less secret police. However, he still had the same basic attitudes. For example, the belief that an imperfect system is better than no system. He also had an intellectual faith, eg, he believed in the teaching of the Elders & the effect they had on society, not the Elders themselves.

By the end of the RP, he had managed to claw his way to Senior Lieutenant, after starting as a Lieutenant & briefly spending time as a Warrant Officer. He was also dating a fellow Officer that his domineering father didn't approve of. It has not been revealed what came of this relationship.

Physical Description

Nathaniel is a 40 yr old Caucasian male. He's 6'2" & has an athletic build. He also shaves all his body hair, which is naturally black. His eyes are grey. He is rarely scene out of uniform, but when he is, his clothing is never flashy or garish. It is also as starched as he is.


Nathaniel is a highly focussed individual. He also has OCD & that condition that Michael Scofield from Prison Break has. You know, the one that lets you notice even the tiniest detail. Anyway, these manifest in Nathaniel by making him an extremely neat person. Everything he does, including R&R, he does with a purpose in mind.

Nathaniel is also a health freak. He doesn't eat or drink anything that is bad for your body, including caffeine. In fact, his whole diet is as controlled as the rest of his life. Luckily, as an Officer he can afford to buy quality food.

One thing that Nathaniel isn't, however, is a prude. However, he is strict about maintaining protocols while in the colony, though is willing to let things slide in the field. Therefore, he has no problem with gambling, sex, etc. However, he does have quite highbrow tastes, with a liking of Classical Music & similar forms of entertainment.

Another couple of notes. Nathaniel is a bit of a virtuoso with the violin. He's also good at electronics, particularly taking apart & reassembly.

Mary Sue Rating


Probably not a Mary-Sue, although a character can go either way at this point. Fanfiction writers should pay attention to ensure that their characters aren't getting too Sue-ish. For an RPG or original fiction character, however, you're probably perfectly fine.

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