Steila Stilthanis

From Egs Mayhem

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Current revision as of 19:58, 17 November 2006

Sister Steila is a cleric of Pelor, and the semi-official spiritual advisor and healer for all of Misty Knoll.

Appearance and Mannerisms

Steila is a slightly short but pretty half-elf. She wears the white robes and holy symbol of her station, though the robes are often dirtied from pitching in a helping hand to anyone who needs it. Steila doesn't bother to cover her slightly pointed ears or the slight almond shape to her eyes, she's somewhat proud of her heritage. She isn't a native resident of Misty Knoll, she was assigned to the town by her church when the previous cleric died of old age six years ago. Since then she's gotten extremely accustomed to the area. Whenever Steila is excited or nervous, her voice starts to increase in pitch and decrease in volume based on the severity of the emotion.


You can tell almost everything about Steila at a glance: she's naive, a little innocent, and extremely devoted to helping those in need. You can also tell by the slight pink shade in her pointy ears whenever she looks at him that she's head over heals (head over heals! I kill me!) for Elduar dar Eddin, and she's slightly exasperated at how slowly their relationship is creeping along. She's planning to ask him to marry her on his next birthday, three weeks after the Festival of Pelor.

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