Your teacher, Camilla, who is very unfair when it comes to your grades

From Create Your Own Story

Camilla’s beauty has been spoiled on teaching. Her hair is long and straight, much like yours it also reaches down to the middle of her back. Being blond, blue eyes, tall and wonderfully curvy, the poor teacher could have made an amazing porn star. However her close minded values convinced that her she should educate the children even though she makes an awful teacher. She’s bossy and set on the hypocritical values of Christianity. This has made you clash with her on several occasions; the lessons are war zones between the two of you. Lately you have stopped going to her classes but now you have return with the intentions of enslaving her to become a sacrificial victim for your cult’s ceremony.

You walk down the school hall to Camilla’s schoolroom as you hear voices in fierce debate coming from the room. You enter the room and find the students in their seats and Camilla arguing with another teacher. The teacher in question is Sabine Bianchi, the only good teacher this school has to offer. She teaches art and music. What makes her such a good tutor is her focus on creativity and self development. She urges student to explore their darkest emotions and sexuality in order to make them into art. Even though she is not a Satanist she lives a lifestyle which you can respect making her a rare flower in this rotten school.

Neither the students nor the teachers notice you as you enter the room. The students follow the conversation eagerly being mesmerized by the two hot teachers screaming at each other. Sabine is just as beautiful as Camilla only she knows how to take advantage of it. She is originally from Italy and still speaks with a strong flavored Italian accent. Her hair is curly unlike Camilla’s and has Italian jet black eyes. She’s also naturally very thin and has a bronze skin tone from her Mediterranean heritage. All through her tight bum is enough to match Camilla’s she does not have the naturally big breast that Camilla has so she has had implants to correct her flaws.

The two has had enough and Sabine storms out of the classroom before you can catch on what the argument was about. You look at Sabine’s ass as she walks away furious. She shows of a lot more skin than Camilla does which gives you an urge to follow her.

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