Young Love/ Go to the new under 18 club

From Create Your Own Story

You go slack jaw when Katelyn and Amanda arrive driving an older flip-top convertible. Both girls are dressed in mini-skirts and skin tight long sleeve t-shirts. The first thought that comes to mind is Amanda's breasts are definitely getting bigger. That and how damn sexy Katelyn grew up to be. Katelyn looks much like Amanda except for her tits aren't nearly as big though her ass was down right huge. You could actually see the folds of her ass cheeks as she turns around to close the car door.

You head out to the porch to greet the girls and before you can react Katelyn leaps into your arms and smashes her lips against your own. Her thighs wrap around your hips and you find yourself instinctly grab her ass to keep her from slipping off. You quickly remove your hands but the damage is already done. You look first at Amanda then to Katelyn as she releases you and steps back.

"I'm so sorry!" You beg for forgiveness as Katelyn burst out into laughter. "See, I told you your boyfriend would be grabbing my ass before the night was over."

"Oh my god Katelyn you are such a whore." Amanda rolls her eyes and smiles shyly at you before the three of you break out in laughter. You are happy to know Amanda isn't upset with you.

You catch Katelyn looking you up and down and find yourself wondering if you meet her expectations. "I have to say you look even better looking in the flesh. You certainly aren't the little runt I remember back when we were kids. Amanda told me you have a big one." You look over to Amanda, who in turn is staring at Katelyn in disbelief but Katelyn seems oblivious as she continues, "... the things I'd let you do to me." Katelyn's eyes flicker and her whole body shudders.

"SLUT!" Amanda hisses. The two girls look at each other and begin to laugh all over. You have a feeling your going to have to watch yourself around Katelyn.

"By the way, have you thought about where you would like to hang out?" Amanda asks. You tell them a new under 18 club just opened and that you guys should check it out. "I could definitely get my groove on." Katelyn agrees and Amanda seems to really like the idea as well.

The three of you pile into the car and make your way to the club. The place is absolutely packed when you arrive but the music is pretty good, plus the girls are loving it. The three of you find some empty room on the dance floor and pretty soon Amanda is grinding her ass against your cock while Katelyn is behind you with her hands under your shirt and running them all over your chest and stomach. Things continue like this for a few songs until Katelyn takes off leaving you and Amanda alone.

After a little while Amanda starts to worry. "Where did Katelyn go?" She asks. You shrug and Amanda begins to panick. "We should find her. I don't want her leaving us or getting herself into trouble."

Just as you are about to do a search, Katelyn reappears offering you a plastic cup. "Here try this. It will fuck you up." You take a hold of the cup and take a sniff. Fuck! Whatever it is, it absolutely reeked. "Where did you get this stuff?"

"I blew one of the bartenders for some of the 'special' stuff." Katelyn explains with a carefree smile. For some reason you don't doubt her words.

"What's in this stuff?" This seems to frustrate Katelyn a little. "Who cares. The only thing that matters is that it will get you fucked up. Let's all get fucked up and then lets all fuck!"

Will you drink this acoholic sewage and tempt fate or reject the offer allowing Katelyn to drink it all. Perhaps you should talk Katelyn down from drinking it at all.

Young Love/ Drink the alcohol

Young Love/ Tell Katelyn to have at it

Young Love/ Tell Katelyn she doesn't need alcohol to party

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