You pick the plate armor with battle ax

From Create Your Own Story

You're a runt with no martial training, your greatest enemy right now is yourself. Being heavily protected is going to keep you alive if fighting breaks out that doesn't go your way, which is a fair chance. Plus, you'll be scary as hell to just about anything that isn't another Orc, maybe they'll be so intimidated that they'll run or surrender.

Your weapon is also a fitting choice: Unlike the bow or the sword, you don't have to be particularly accurate. Swing in the general area, and even with the strength of a runt there's a fair chance that you'll end up maiming someone.

Putting the suit on, it feels even heavier than you imagined. This is going to take some getting used to and will inevitably slow you down.

The smith nods in agreement as he sees you in it. "Hmmmm. Good. Your appearance matches your intentions. Good luck"

Because of how slow and burdensome this armor is, you forsake trekking through forests and such which will only wear you out even faster. Instead, you head out towards the nearest road. It's a good ways off, but once you get there, walking should be relatively brisk, and the chances of you finding someone or something to raid will be good.

Approaching the road you have a few options:

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:

Plate Armor, Battle Ax

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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