You faint and wake up in her lair

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Naked and ???

You slowly come to, grimacing at the pain in your vagina and ass from the raping you've just endured from the vine monsters. Then you take in your surroundings and shudder.

You're in a greenhouse of some kind. You're still naked except for your mask. You're standing bound to a wooden column. Your wrists are bound behind you with some kind of vine, and your ankles are bound together with similar material. More vines are tied above, below, and across your breasts right over your nipples, as well as around your waist, thighs, and shins. One more vine has been tied between your legs, digging in between your pussy lips and coming up tightly between your butt cheeks.

You struggle to get free, and then gasp with pain. You didn't notice the vines binding you had thorns coming out of them!

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a sultry voice says. "The more you struggle, the more the thorns on those vines will grow." The Plant Princess steps into view, glaring coldly at you.

"What do you want with me?" you say. The vine between your legs digs is digging into your pussy painfully, but you have to resist the urge to squirm.

"Payback," she snarls. "You interfered with one of my escapades. I can't have that. And my boys want revenge on you for your little victory earlier. I'm tempted to let them have it. But I'll give you a choice. I could use someone like you in my gang. Join with me, and I'll keep my men from getting even with you. Refuse, and I'll make sure they enjoy themselves all they want. Then it will be my plants' turn."

What do you do?

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