What's the hold up? Get in there and fuck that pig!

From Create Your Own Story

You walk in a sluttish Semi-circle around the pig and once on the back of the room you get a sight of surprise as The Pig already has a full blown erection stretching probably at least 12.3inc in length and an Astounding 100mm diameter.

"These boys only know how to fulfill there lust through Human Cunts since they came of age for last two years they know what you want Ma'am,they know your desire they can smell it".The BeastMaster says while leaving the room and closing the door behind him "Since its your first time use the sideby bench in doggyStyle to support weights and give a grip to both yourself and the animals when they mounts"he notifies as he locks the door.

By this time you have undressed and are leaking juices like crazy


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