Wash off in a nearby stagnant pond

From Create Your Own Story

You spot a small pond about fifty yards away with a few cows and a sheep lounging next to it beneath the shade of a willow tree.

"Would it be OK if I rinsed off in that pond over there?” you ask the rancher.

“The cow pond? I don’t think the water is too clean in there, but be my guest if you really want to.”

“It has got to be cleaner than I am, surely,” you reply and head over to the pool of water.

As you approach the pond, you can see that in addition to being brown, the water also smells of shit and you deduce that the cows, sheep, horses and whatever else most likely use it for a toilet in addition to a bathtub and drinking fountain. Still, you are desperate to wash off the sticky, smelly mixture of animal semen, sweat, piss, vomit and other miscellaneous bodily fluids that is rapidly drying all over your skin and in your hair. Therefore, you begin to wade into the water, your feet sinking into the soft, muddy bottom.

Due to the muddiness of the pond, you can only see a couple of centimeters down, but close inspection shows you that the surface is teeming with a large population of frolicking mosquito larvae. While you find this to be very gross, you figure they are harmless and continue to wade in until you are waist deep.

You splash water on your naked body and begin to scrub yourself off with your hands. The cool water feels nice on this unseasonably hot spring day, and you wade in further until your feet no longer touch the bottom and you are floating. You lie back and rinse your hair under the water.

As you think about the brutal sexual degradation you just endured, you begin to get horny again.

You decide to:

You are possessing:
12th Grade Girl (Katy)
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