Walk down into the basement and face your fears

From Create Your Own Story

You don't want to do this... but you know you have no choice. You walk down the stairs and enter the darkness of the dreaded basement. The tree glows with a cold, purple light. The light illuminates nothing other than the tree itself. You feel panic rising inside you. Moving branches wrap themselves around you.

"Hello once again, Shugu..." you hear as the branch squeezes life energy out of you. You scream as the gripping plant painfully tightens around your frail little body. "Shugu." You already know what's coming. You were supposed to kill a few men and bring home soul energy, soul energy to feed this starving tree which has power over you.

"You know that with no soulpower, you die with me. Am I correct?"

"Yes, master," you answer as you groan and struggle in the grip of the bark, panting in response.

"Now, Shugu, what are you planning to do?" the tree asks you.

It's freezing down here and it's very dark.

"I am dying," you say. "And I know you are, too, master, but I don't know any takers."

"No excuses," the tree says. "There are many humans in this world. If you don't know any takers, then take strangers."

You cry out as a sharp thorn digs into your back.

"I'm giving you three days," the tree says. "On the third if you do not bring me what I want, this spike will break and you will die painfully, my dear."

"I understand," you respond, shivering in anger, yet powerless at the same time.

"Yet also be wary," the tree says. "There is a demon who lurks among the humans who may seek to kill you for bearing my curse. Kill this demon if you can."

"Yes, master," you say.

The audience ends and the tree release you. You crawl out of the basement, throw yourself into your bed and sleep. The next morning, you spot Hikaru in the hallway at school, hanging with his boys by his locker.

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