WAS: Turn the page

From Create Your Own Story

The newborn children of Hysta sailed into our world. Their armada landed at the shores of what used to be the far northern nation of Onstagon. A nation of proximally 2,9 million fell to an people of about 200 000 men and women. It was an military feat unheard of in history. The huge surprise factor combined with the children of Hystas military brilliance and creativity won them the war. It should however be noted that Ostagon was a relatively weak nation putting most of their military might into their navy.

What followed was an massacre on an unbelievable scale. Every Ostagon man, child and old folk was put to the sword. The nation was rotting with dead corpses as the children of Hysta didn’t bury or even burn the corpses. They simply were left to rot under the sun.

The fate of the Ostagon women however says even more about the children of Hystas national character. They were all enslaved and given to the families of their conquers. There were about ten female slaves for every children of Hysta couple. They spend the rest of their life slaving and giving children to their masters. Their male owners didn’t have any grasp on the limitations of how many babies a woman could produce. Most Ostagon women died in childbirth after delivering their tenth baby. A cruel fate which they had to accept, all the men were dead so there was no way to continue on their people’s bloodline or form a rebellion. Initially some tried to escape but none made it very far. After that the children of Hysta develop a deeply rooted psychological domination over their slaves, preventing any future escape attempts.

The initial generation made their home in Ostagon and renamed it to Hystagon. The children of Hysta stayed there for almost two decades. But then the next generation started moving. The children of Hysta believe that as long as the father is a child of Hysta his children are to. This created a situation where every man hade ten female slaves and each birthed him on average ten children. These children are all legitimate heirs and were raised in a society where 90% of the population are slaves. Just like their ancestors they began a journey to establish a kingdom to call their own. A kingdom where they just like their parents could own ten female slaves and live in peace. Thus the hordes where formed.

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