Victim: Yes, daddy. I won't move.

From Create Your Own Story

It felt good to obey your daddy. Maybe... maybe you have been a bad girl, all this time. Maybe you should be a good girl and make daddy's life easier.

You struggle with these thoughts, unsure of yourself. Part of you know that this is horrible, and that you should be looking for a way to escape right now. Another part... just wants to make daddy happy.

This one did take longer, like he said, but eventually he arrives with another person you recognize: a boy from your school who lives in the neighborhood. You always thought he was cute. You guess he was attracted to you, as well, if he is here.

"Wow," the boy marvels, looking at your naked body. You move to cover yourself up, but a disapproving grunt from your father causes you to abandon the effort. The boy seems somewhat unsure, but that is vastly overruled by his pubescent excitement. "Can I...?" he asks your father, trailing off.

"Depends..." your father replies, less drunk than when this started, but still unsteady. "How much money you got?"

The boy smiles wildly and pulls out his wallet, murmuring, "Man this is so fucked up. This is so fucked up!" He looks up and says, "Twenty-five bucks? Is that enough?"

Your father appraises your naked body and thinks. "It's enough for her ass," he decides.

Gender Female <- Equipment ->
Age 14 Nothing
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