VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (22221).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 6: The Twist - Part 1


The Story:

You look up blindly and mostly out of it as the door opens and closes, locking quickly after. You are so out of it you can hardly tell, but there are only one set of foot steps. You panic for a brief moment against your bondage thinking it is Roxy come to torment you by herself without the supervision of Cassandra. But then you calm down moaning softly as the vibrator hums away. It could just as likely be Cassandra right? Freeing you early for being such a good slave today. But the voice that speaks turns your pale. You don't recognize it at all.

"Well, well, what do we have here." You hear, then feel hands running along your bare stomach up to squeeze your breasts.

You immediately scream into your gag and try to pull away but you are stuck fast and can't escape this stranger's grasp. Oh god some random person. Fuck! Not again!

"Oh, still have some energy left in you huh? After I saw the other two put you in here I figured I'd wait until you were all tired out. Guess you need a little help to get there." She says and you hear her moving some clothing around. Oh god what is she doing? You give a muffled response that you know she can't understand squirming on the toilet seat uselessly. Fuck, that means your mistress doesn't know about this person. She could do anything. Fuck. You suddenly feel hands along your gag. "Do as your told and I won't drag you out into the middle of the bathroom and leave you there." The stranger says with a sweet yet confident voice. You tremble slightly knowing she'll do it.

You nod slowly after a low moan from still getting fucked and gasp biting your lip as she removes your gag hanging it around your neck. "Who are yo....mmmpphh!" You start to ask before getting muffled in what is undeniably her large fat cunt smothering your mouth.

"Lick, my little toilet slave." The stranger says grabbing you by the hair and smothering you with her large wet cunt. "I've been listening to you from the next stall for a while now. I think it is time you finished me after teasing me for so long." The woman says slowly grinding her cunt against your lips sensually.

You are blushing and completely horrified at this random woman listening to you and using you, but you really have no choice. You just have to hope Cassandra and Roxy get back soon. The movie should be over soon, right? Right? Fuck you don't know. You moan into this random woman's wet cunt before hesitantly running your tongue out to start lapping up her juices. She is so wet already! You blush even more realizing she is so turned on just from hearing you moan for the last hour or so. You keep lapping her up to make her happy not knowing what this random person could do to you in this state. You can tell she is a little chubby just by your tongue and thighs pressed against your face and can't help but wonder what she looks like.

The random stranger isn't satisfied with just you eating her out dutifully. Smothering you with her large cunt she reaches back and removes your butt plug before she undoes the rope holding the vibrator up your pussy you give a half-scream half-massive-moan as she turns off the vibrator and pulls it out just to slam it back down into your soaking wet cunt. Your eyes quickly roll back into your head as she fucks you hard with the vibrator with one hand while gripping your hair and holding your face against her cunt with the other. The end result turns the both of you on like crazy as your tight cunt gets pounded and fucked until you scream in orgasm bucking your hips wildly. The woman seems just as turned on by fucking you and while you orgasm she doesn't let you breath violently grinding her cunt against your face cumming hard all over you as well.

Eventually she pulls away pulling the vibrator out of you completely and putting it on the toilet behind you with a soft clank. Gasping softly she slowly pulls her cunt away from your moaning lips just to shove your previous gag back between your lips. "Now that I had my fun I think it is time to bring my new prize home." She says with a feminine giggle. You immediately panic, struggling as you feel her start to remove the tape keeping your legs up. No! You can't let some random stranger take you! Noooo! Really starting to panic you know there is no way you are letting this woman leave the theater with you. You are so weak from so many orgasms that your struggles don't budget this woman an inch. "Don't worry sweety, I know all about you from Cassandra. I'm a friend of hers." She says which immediately calms you down for a moment. Is she really? She couldn't know about Cassandra otherwise could she?

Her next words restore the panic slightly. "Of course she has no idea I found out she was here and came to steal you from her. Social media these days is dangerous if you know a person too well. I knew she'd have her new little play toy in tow." She tugs you up roughly by your hair and lets you lean against her unable to stand yourself. "Don't worry, I'll return you to her in time. How long a time depends on how good of a little pet you are going to be. You are going to be a good pet, aren't you?" She says poking you in the side making you grunt into the gag before slowly nodding. What else can you do?

"Now we are going to walk right out of the bathroom once it is clear and through the side door where my car is waiting. Can you be good for me until then?" She asks softly into your ear before licking it once. You blush and nod slowly thinking about it hardly able to stand leaning against the obviously chubby woman. Your two options seem to be going with this woman willingly, or trying to fight her once you are out of the stall and get noticed by someone. Both are terrible options but your horror in being found by this eventually makes you decide to go with this stranger. She did say she knows Cassandra and she did say she'd release you eventually. You hope she means later today but there is no way to know.

After waiting for voices to fade in the bathroom the two of you eventually make your move, your bare ass visible for all to see. But the woman moves you quickly and before long you are shoved in the trunk of her car before your legs are re-duct taped again. Quite scared you tremble the entire thirty minute drive until you reach wherever she is bringing you. What is going to happen to you? What is she going to do? Was she lying? When will she let you go? The questions drive you mad before you feel the sunlight hit you again and you get pulled out of the car and to your surprise pulled over her shoulder. She must be strong. Then again, you are very small.

You hear the trunk slam and get walked up some stairs then hear a door unlock. So, an apartment. But fuck you have no idea where!

She walks over and sits down on what you can only assume is a couch and pulls you down to sit on her lap straddling her. "Are you going to be good slave?" She asks nicely which you nod slowly. You have no idea what she would do to you if you were not good so you are not about to risk it. "Good girl. I don't think we need this anymore. My walls are pretty thick." The stranger says tugging off your gag all the way and tossing it to the side.

"Who... are you..?" You ask softly, blushing as you feel your naked body pressed against hers, the stranger taking off the close pins on your nipples making you wince in pain.

"I'm Stephanie. And what is your name cutie?" She asks back sweetly with a feminine voice.

Damn why does she have to sound so nice. Maybe this won't be so bad. Better than Roxy for sure. "I'm... Pixie." You finally say. You considered lying but if she knows about Cassandra she can probably find out your real name. And that could lead to some very unknown punishment.

"Pixie. How cute. Now let's get to know each other a little better Pixie. Is that ok with you?" She says nicely. You just nod slowly, blushing. She is so nice. Is this how a good mistress is meant to act? You blush as she pulls you against her and you feel her body again. Chubby, but not fat. Just curvy to be honest. You blush a bit realizing you'd never consider her in a bar but realize she has the nicest mistress you've had and it has been what, less than an hour? Gasping softly you blush as she takes your lips with hers. You pause for a moment then. Of course, she did kidnap you. Stephanie doesn't seem content to stop and grabs your hair and pulls you deeper into the kiss sliding her tongue between your lips making you moan loudly. Ok, ok. You can make out.

You take her lips back and the two of you make out pressed against each other. Stephanie is an amazing kisser and you quickly find yourself getting lost in her kiss. Her hands start to roam as well having you restrained on her lap. One hand reaches under you and squeezes one of your soft breasts making you gasp softly before both run back and squeeze and spread your ass pulling you a bit further up her body letting you taste her lips slightly easier over and over. Keeping your ass spread her fingers pull on your skin forcing your asshole and pussy to open a bit making you gasp again slightly with a large blush. She teases you like that over and over, never actually tugging your holes but spreading your ass tightly and tugging on your skin driving you wild.

Eventually you start to really grind against her wanting it and she gives in moving her kisses down your neck sucking on it driving you crazy as you bite your lips. One finger each presses along your asshole and slit slowly rubbing each of them until you are pressing against her fingers desperate to be touched. Finally she teases you enough and goes back to give you another long passionate kiss before pulling away. "Want to have some more fun Pixie?" She says sweetly and knowingly.

"God yes please mistress." You say moaning and desperate for her hand to keep rubbing your holes. Who knew getting your asshole rubbed would feel so good?

"Oh you are learning fast. I see why Cassandra likes you." Stephanie says then pushes you onto the couch next to her. You let her reposition you until your back is seated on the couch with your legs lifted with your ass against the back of the couch, legs spread still with the duct tape. With your arms still duct taped behind your back you have no choice when Stephanie climbs on top of you into a 69 position. When she reaches back and grabs you by the hair you don't need any pushing when she pulls you up into her fat cunt. You immediately start to eat her out, rest of your face buried in her incredibly thick ass. Practically smothered you moan as she starts to lap up your clit on top and plays with your asshole with her fingers again.

You lap her up held into her ass until you pull away gasping, face soaked by her juices before getting pulled back in. She sure likes your tongue and damn do you like hers. Her expert tongue flicks your clit until you are trembling beneath her thick body, her fingers spreading your asshole over and over making you gasp and moan over and over before shoving two fingers all the way in making you buck hard with a loud moan. Stephanie giggles at that and slowly fingers your ass with the two fingers while playing with your clit with her tongue. All the while she smothers you with her fat ass holding you by the hair into it and pressing her sopping wet cunt onto your lips grinding against them as you work your tongue.

You 69 getting smothered by her dripping fat cunt until you can't stand it anymore, moaning as she fucks your ass and teases your clit. Just when you are about to cum she stops, getting up to position herself sitting on your face leaning her back against your body. "Oh not yet Pixie, mistress first. Plus, this is part of your training. You might not cum for some time yet." She says sweetly as she grabs your hair again shoving your face up her ass smothering your face this time. "Lick." She commands guiding your tongue to her asshole.

Blushing deeply and having a hard time breathing smothered by her fat ass you do what you can tonguing her tight little asshole. To your surprise it isn't so bad and she is very clean but you are more than a little humiliated regardless. Stephanie spreads her thick thighs watching you eat her ass before you hear a hum and Stephanie give a loud high-pitched moan. Based on the vibrations that even you can feel she obviously is pressing a small hitachi against her cunt while you eat her ass. Doing your best to get your new mistress and kidnapper off you tongue and suck at her ass until she smothers and grinds her ass against your face finally cumming hard with high-pitched, admittedly very attractive loud moans.

You think she'll get her massive weight off you after that but Stephanie seems far from done. Putting the sex toy to the side she gets a better grip on your hair and pushes you more up into her fat ass. "Not bad Pixie, but you have a lot to learn. You'll be here until you've drastically improved. I plan on keeping you between my legs for quite some time in the future. You need practice." She says making you stick out your tongue and fuck her ass with it slowly again. Meanwhile to your shock she turns on the TV and leans back crushing you a bit more relaxing. She then wraps a hand around your leg to spread your asshole with two fingers again and slowly starts to fuck it.

Not able to reply smothered by her fat ass with your tongue up her asshole you moan softly into her fat as she spreads and plays with your asshole. Fuck this is hot but you can't stand it! You are sweating from her body being on yours and are gasping whenever you can get a breath. But fuck do you want to cum so badly! Somehow her playing and teasing your asshole is keeping you right on the brink. Fuuuuck! Much to your chagrin you end up under the chubby domm for a good hour eating her asshole while she watches TV.


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