User talk:Gholy1234

From Create Your Own Story

You cannot add a mysterious bald man to the first page of Quest of the Magician. This character isn't present in any of the other threads, so the story no longer makes any sense! --Platypus 13:47, 4 September 2016 (UTC)

Please don't post incomplete pages. Complete pages include options so the story can continue. Also, please include the status bar and category from the previous page.

Incomplete pages will be edited or deleted.--Platypus 15:27, 7 September 2016 (UTC)

A friendly reminder

Don't forget to add categories to any page you post! A category looks like this in the editor:


where 'Kotfatollah' is the name of whatever story you're adding to. Just plop a category at the end of the page, easy peezy. I recommend checking out Basic page format for a little more information on categories. Also, it's better to maintain consistency in page formatting throughout a story. So if a story was started using bullet points for the options, try to have bullets on any page you add to it. Use asterisks (*) to make bulleted lists.

This is just a lame regular link without a bullet point. You already know how to make these.

*[[They look like this in the page editor]]

Happy writing! --Pickles (Talk) 13:44, 12 August 2020 (UTC)

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