Unwritten/Chun/Option 1/Go back downstairs as you are

From Create Your Own Story

As soon as the man leaves, you quickly clean of the worst and head back down. Paying no heed to anything but the sensations coursing trough your body, you storm down the stairs and into the bar. Your arrival does not go unnoticed and several men turn to look at you, a mixture of surprise and lust at the obviously horny chick who just came bursting in.

You need to get laid, the question is only which of these guys you want to take upstairs. From the looks of things, all of them are perfectly willing.

You :

Grab the nearest average-looking thirty-something man and drag him with you.

Timidly walk up to the scary-looking mid-twenties guy who's glaring at you.

Slowly and deliberately walk over to the most handsome guy in his late-twenties you can find in the bar.

Walk up to a massive, muscular man and clench onto his arm. Pressing your boobs into his upper arm and looking up at him longingly.

Approach two guys drinking together at the bar and catch their attention.

Sit down at a table with three guys your age and see if they're up for some fun.

Wait there for one of the guys to approach you.

Undress right there, bend over a table and wiggle your ass.

Health 100 Equipment:

Revealing waitress uniform

Stamina 65
Morale 75 Inventory:


Money 953$
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