Unicorn and the Raven/Talk to Arkley

From Create Your Own Story

You can't sit still any longer. You have to stretch your legs and try to find out what's going on; the uncertianty, the fear, the cold, its all to much for you.

The closes person to you is the man at the console. As you get to your feet, Jensen's head snaps up and his hand goes to the hilt of his sword but after glancing at the sleeping woman in the chair he relaxes. He keeps his eye on you as you approach the man at the console but doesn't interfere.

"Hi, you say. I'm..." and you suddenly remmeber that part of introducing yourself is knowing your own name. You don't. "I'm wondering if you can tell me what's going on."

"Arkley," he says. "And we're at case black as you can see. Please don't distract me." "Distract you from what?" you ask. The man's just sitting there, its not as if he's even doing anything anymore. "I'm handling manual offensive and defensive fire control."

You look down at the console's display board. Some of the controls and indicators you can understand intuitively, now that you know what it is that he's supposed to be doing. But he hasn't done anything for the last twenty minutes at least and most of the displays are either dead or displaying a worrying crimson. The board couldn't be more read if someone had spilled paint on it.

You shake your head and start to walk back to your corner. Maybe the spot you were sitting is still faintly warm. Before you get there, Jensen catches your eye and beckons you over.

"Don't bother any of them," he says to you in a whisper. They -we- were created to perform certian tasks and while we know a lot about our area of expertise we don't know much else, nor do we have much in the way of will. Arkley can't tell you anything that you need to know. He doesn't know anything beyond his job. He doesn't really have the ability to chose to or to not answer your questions, either."

You look back at Arkley. You see that he's studying the displays intently but isn't actually doing anything.

"There's nothing for him to do," whispers Jensen, explaining. "But he won't abandon his post. They're very single-minded that way, although they're really more flexible than I make them sound. Marill created us that way."

"What about you? You seem to know whats going on. Can you help me?" you ask.

"Yes, I probably could. Unlike them, I can choose to. What I choose, though, is to not tell you anything more. Marill will tell you what you need to know in the morning, if that ever comes."

You can get no more out of him. You stalk back to your corner and sit, occasionally shivering in the silent, chilly room as you wait for morning.

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