Tyler, the 9 year old male.

From Create Your Own Story

You wait until the mother and son have pulled from there embrace and the little boy starts mounting the stairs. You make your move; penetrating his soul and suppressing it deep within as you spread your self through out his body The sensation is pretty disorienting and it’s a struggle to get the little body your inhabiting to the seat to sit down. Once your seated you take a few moments to collect yourself and investigate the memories of your host to figure out who you're in and where you are at.

The boy’s name is Tyler and he is in 4th grade at Burton Elementary School, where the bus is heading now. The hot babe he was hugging before is his mother Jessica, a 31 year old buxom, blonde beauty. As you investigate the boys mind he has had more then a few fantasies concerning her. He also has an older step-sister that is usually away studying at collage but is home for the summer. The dad, Steven, has been married before, and is 14 years older then Jessica.

As usual when ever inhabiting a host, there are certain changes that host’s body begins to go thru as a matter of protocol. You can feel the cock between your legs start to swell to an impressive size as the amount of nature pheromones your body produces goes up drastically. Your reflexes are sharpened and you’re over all strength and stamina is improved as well.

Now that your comfortable in your own skin and the enhancements to the body are completely you set your attention to enjoying your freedom from captivity. Looking around you see the bus is populated by a wide range of boys and girls of all ages as the bus is responsible for the transport of children to several different schools.

You decide to:

Host Tyler Enhancements:

7 inch cock, Amplified pheromones, Improved reflexes, strength and stamina.

Gender Male
Age 9
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