Two teenage sluts doing drugs in the bathrooms

From Create Your Own Story

“Hot damn that’s good” You open the door and sees two coke whores doing the white line in a public restroom. Obviously these girls are dumb beyond belief but at least they are good looking. Both of them wear yellow miniskirts with ripped leggings and a tank top. Their face is decorated with messy make up making them look really cheap. One is blond but it’s obviously dyed while the other one is a natural very dark read head. Makeup and dyed hair isn’t the only thing fake on them as their D-cup breasts are evidently not real. Like super models the cocaine has given them a very skinny waist which you do admire somewhat.

There are two possibly ways that you can exploit this. You could snap a picture of them doing cocaine on your cellphone and use it to blackmail them or you could invite them to your cults new age stores to experiment with some more exotic drugs.

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