Try using your magic by muttering random words

From Create Your Own Story

You start mumbling random words at the door. It doesn't open.

You sense a presence behind you. Two presences, actually. You turn your head.

A tall woman with a stern face looks down at you. "You will be able to open doors by magic later, Mr. Potter."

The second figure is that of Professor Snape. "But for now, you should rest in the hospital wing. You won't, of course. So very like your father." He pauses. "Have you been introduced to Professor McGonagall?"

"N-no," you stammer. "Good morning, Professor." You bow to her. You turn you attention to Snape. "You... knew my father, sir?"

"We were students here at the same time," Professor Snape replies. "And you have his talent for finding trouble. Well, I must be off. Professor McGonagall will guide you back to the hospital wing. I recommend you use your time to study your books. Get a head start on classes." He looks directly into your eyes. "Particularly the one on potions. I shall be teaching you and your fellow first years the subtle arts of potion making."

When you reach the hospital wing, you see a stack of books by the table next to your bed. "I had Hagrid buy them for you," Professor McGonagall explains.

You look at the stack of books, trying to decide whether you want to study.

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